Worship Options
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Getting Started
Our Mission: C4-Impacting the World for Christ
C4 is our mission and process by which we, as a church, can grow spiritually and multiply as we pursue to fulfill the Great Commission. The Great Commission is the mission of making disciples, which our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His followers to do in Matthew 28:18-20.
What is a disciple? A disciple is someone who has come to the point of understanding their sinfulness and need of forgiveness, has responded to the call to repent of being a sinner, and has placed their trust in Jesus as the risen Lord and Savior who has paid for their sin by His sacrifice on the cross. A disciple commits to a life of learning about and following Jesus.
Through spiritual development, a disciple will become a mature follower of Christ. Ideally, a mature follower of Christ loves others, and puts others needs and wants before their own. They reach out and serve others out of their love and gratitude to the Lord for the salvation and peace that He provided for them through his Son, Jesus Christ. A mature follower of Christ is also concerned for the people in the world around them, and he or she shows their concern by sharing their faith through the relationships that are created as they go through life and by inviting friends and family members to join them for worship on Sunday mornings.
Getting Started
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