

The purpose of this ministry is to help young people know God through faith in Christ Jesus, grow in their understanding concerning God and His will for their life, and grow in areas of Christian leadership, evangelism, and service.


Connection Points:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/know.grow.go/

Snapchat: knowgrowgo 

Join Remind:

Send this text @knowgrowgo to the number 81010 to receive important reminders and information regarding group activities.


Opportunities for Youth:

Sunday School

From 9:00-9:15AM, everyone meets in the fellowship hall for coffee, doughnuts, milk, and juice. Then from 9:15-10:00 AM, the youth meet for fellowship and Bible study. Each week the youth study a passage of Scripture, and from it, they seek to find out what they can learn about God and mankind.  As they discover the truths found in Scripture, they talk about ways to apply those truths to life so that they can live their lives in a way that would honor God.



Each Sunday morning at 10:00AM, the church body worships God through singing of praise songs and hymns, through prayer as a church, and through the hearing of God’s Word preached. I encourage all the youth of Puryear to commit to rising on Sunday morning and worshipping God. He deserves our best, and I would love to see you.


Prayer Watch

On Sunday nights, the youth gather together to pray, plan, organize, and conduct various ministries. This time is dedicated to help the youth discover and develop leadership skills. Leading in the church today, and preparing for leadership roles God has planned for them in the future.


Wednesday Night Bible Study

The Youth meet from 6:00-8:00PM for Bible Study and recreation. A typical Wednesday night is made up of worship and Bible study from 6:00PM until 7:00 PM. After worship, the youth hang out in the Upper Room and the kitchen until the gym becomes available. Once the gym becomes available, some youth play various games, while others hang out with their friends until time to go home. Drinks and snacks are available in the kitchen.


Monthly Events

Each month an event will be planned for the youth. Different events will have different purposes. For example, some events will be for fun and fellowship, some will be designed to help regular attending youth grow as young believers, some will be used as a reward for regular attendance throughout the youth program, and some will be designed in order to reach out to youth who are not attending church anywhere. Most of the time events will be planned to host all of the youth at once, but sometimes we will have events especially for the high school, for the middle school, for the ladies, and for the young men.

Connect with our Remind messaging service to receive announcements to stay informed of upcoming events. Instructions are above under youth connection points.


Need more information about the youth program, please contact Bro. DeWayne Chadwick at dchadwick.dc70@gmail.com


731-453-5840 Cell